By Deeds of Peace
Please help keep the park clean and safe. Cleanups are held every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00AM. Bring gloves and plenty of elbow grease and that Fishtown Community Spirit.
Have your picture taken (the reason why I do this) to show and foster others why they too should support Penn Treaty Park by Deeds of Peace.
Fishtown's Historical Landmark and Park

A great place for music: The Soul Cruiser's, Rockfish, Charlie Gracie, Kenn Kweder, the Nines and..
the thousands of people came to enjoy the shows with family and friends.
The Holloween Hoedown and Pumpkin Patch
The Holloween Hoedown and Pumpkin Patch
The Easter Egg Hunt which grows larger each year.

The Flea Markets
Movie Night in the Park
Children Stories in the Park
Raising funds for a new playground.
A place to meet new Friends.
A place to begin a lifetime Together.
Watch the Fireworks
Come join with us for a good community cause.
all photos by roman blazic_all rights reserved
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