Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Welcome to the World

Blog readers from other countries over the past month:  :  Australia, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Turkmenistan, Singapore, Japan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Taiwan, Spain, Guinea, Morocco, Belarus, Ireland, Croatia, Nigeria, Swaziland, Germany, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Armenia, France, Northern Mariana Islands, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, United Kingdom, Poland, Palestine, South Korea, Ukraine, Canada, Cambodia, Isle of Man, India, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Czechia, Mayotte, Namibia, Iceland, Ecuador, Cyprus, Indonesia, Barbados, Afghanistan, Argentina, Portugal, Bangladesh, Netherlands, Russia, Philippines, Georgia, Albania, Brazil, Pakistan, New Zealand, Serbia and Egypt.

There are many other countries that I mentioned in the past not listed here. The total number of countries is well over one-hundred (100+).

I'm happy that all these countries found something of interest to read or to see pictures from this part of the world. I hope that no-one found anything offensive or disrespectful.

I welcome anyone to write. It's good to know how the world is doing from those who actually live there.

I still await a visitor from  the Most Serene Republic of San Marino (Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino).

I can be reached at or freely comment here.

So let us celebrate and raise a cup or glass and shout out FREE COFFEE or FREE TEA or FREE BEER.


and that's a fact

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