Fear with Ballast
That's a lot of ship

Caution! The spin stops here. I'm Gil Vannity and here's today's talking point. Fox News offered Bill O'Reilly a new 25 million dollar contract while knowing that he had settled YET ANOTHER multi-million dollar law suit for sexual harrasment. Why did Fox News remain silent about women being victimized by sexual predators? It's an easy answer. The radical right Christian agenda believes women should be subservient to men. They hold the same belief about women as does radical Islam. Their real strength is in their base followers who are easy to handle like puppets. They believe anything their handlers or puppetmaster tells them and will post on line anything their puppetmaster gives them. Sometimes the puppetmaster will directly post on one of their faltering puppet pages to boost the number of reactions and replies. This is a tactic to help increase the collection of people's names and locations to use for fundraising and to find more puppets. These are the same people that tell you your government, your FBI and other law enforcement agencies are nefariously collecting data on you and not to be trusted. No wonder companies and jobs are leaving the country. Who would want to invest if this ideology and agenda is now the face of mainstream America. And thats a memo.
lampoon written by roman blazic_all rights reserved
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