Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day

And the star-spangled banner doth wave...

We didn't need a committee
We didn't need a fundraiser
We didn't need snacks and beverage
We didn't need fore though of sacrificing our time
We didn't need pomp and ceremony, awards or a thank-you
We didn't need to question why
All we needed was a few good men and women to get the job done to honor the Veterans
We didn't forget

words and photos by roman blazic_all rights reserved


  1. Can you please re-post this. The neighborhood clean up parade is coming soon.

    1. Ouch! I look at it this way. It does help the Fishtown neighborhood by bringing people together for a good common cause. The larger point is for people to care for their own property and block. Many people do because Fishtown is not a neighborhood of blight. To suggest otherwise is a gross exaggeration.
      At least look at it this way. Everyone loves a parade.
