Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Meme Women Blues

 by Deaf Danny Digit and The Samples

"The Meme Women Blues"

She was ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ANGRY speaking her meme

I was told to duck brother cause she's got a gun, she's got an aim,

she's got a target, she's got a blame but... 

she wasn't fast on the draw, 

she wasn't slow losing her cool. 

baby, baby, baby don't aim that gun at me

baby, baby, baby I'd like to fall asleep with my soul to keep, with my two cold feet   

your anger would keep me warm, it could kick off a storm

words & bad decisions by roman blazic_all rights reserved

Sunday, February 20, 2022

21st Century and The Pocket

 You might be glad I got no photo for this one

It starts by putting on my pants, the pocket count. I wear black or blue jean's because it doesn't matter if you fall asleep wearing them. Like most everyone, these pants got five pockets. That's easy to manage since they're either in front of you or you're sitting on them. They also give you a reminder if stuffed and/or ill fitted.
Shirts never give me a problem. Short or long sleeve, no pockets. (my dress shirts are older than some readers, get what I mean) So the pocket count holds steady at five but not for long.
I always wear a hooded sweat shirt during Fall/Winter....when it's protects my neck from pills too but adds on two more pockets and now I'm up to seven pockets.
Around the house I don't pocket much, a comb, a tissue, which means there's plenty of open space to stick something in one. You know, you pick up a small thing like a lighter, a pen, a note, something. It fits into the closest pocket in a casual motion. You know how it ends. There's seven pockets. It don't end. It gets worst if I go outside.
By now I'm on cruise control with seven pockets which allows me to focus on the over coat and check on things before going out. Come to think of it, things start when I put on my long john's. Guys will understand's the moment and here's yet another pocket, of sorts, to deal with, like being on a hunt or playing Zelda. It can take more than one try to find and pass through the second door.
My winter coat has four lower pockets, two upper pockets and one inner pocket for a total of seven additional pockets. The over all pocket count now has reached a staggering fourteen pockets. Oh the humiliation standing in the supermarket looking for my shopping list. 
The advancement of clothing design's pocket placement/inclusion should not be taken for granted. An imaginative, clever entrepreneur could produce YouTube videos or podcast on how to organize pockets, sizes awareness, best use of pocket(s), on and on and on. Isn't this how Mr. Pillow got his start? The closest he comes to a pocket is a pillow case.
Pockets give me a lot to think about and sometimes it is funny. I know you seen it and done it yourself, that is, trying to reach into your pant's pocket while sitting down. The way folks twist around, almost falling over, getting your hand caught, popping a shirt tail and oh lord, when a women reveals her Spanx or breaks a finger nail. Pushing the hand too quick or too hard into a pocket are leading causes for embarrassing moments.   
There is an art for doing this. Some people, especially women, do so in a stylized manner. It is fluid movement extending the leg out, leaning slightly back with a smile while slipping the hand into the pocket and keeping eye contact. It, however, is recommended that we stand up first before reaching into our pant's pocket.
There you have it. I have too many pockets and yet I won't give them up and I have to go shopping tomorrow....with Saint Anthony. 


concept & words by roman blazic_all rights reserved

Saturday, February 19, 2022

I Have No Meme....

 ....but you can sing (sadece sen)

I wish I could write fiction. That way what surrounds me becomes a different story, the end. But, my characters won't let me change it, change it to a story I can even understand. How far their thoughts go, no-one knows. These characters also shouldn't be sitting on my hands while I'm trying to write. (huh!) It's not polite and they seem to be as bad as me when it comes time to say.... (device introspection)

Who's gonna clean up this mess!? (device switch focus)

I could post another hint but nothing I actually said (device quizzical humor)

"Everything, every word composed..." (device narrator introspection)

And still those little things remain that bring me happiness or pain.... (device cue music)

comcept and most words by Roman Blazic_all rights reserved

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Best Side

 Low light floral love 

words & pictures by roman blazic_all rights reserved 

Friday, February 4, 2022

Renewable Energy American Style

Solar, wind, bio-fuel, hydrogen....

The reward for carefully protecting the environment

President Jimmy Carter installed 32 solar panels on the presidential mansion amid the Arab oil embargo, which had caused a national energy crisis.
Carter predicted that “a generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken, or it can be a small part of one of the greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the American people; harnessing the power of the Sun to enrich our lives as we move away from our crippling dependence on foreign oil.”

President Reagan, when it came time for the White House roof to be worked on in 1986, the solar panels were taken out and not replace .

President George H. Bush's do-nothing policy on global warming began almost as soon as he took office. In June of 1989, just six months into his term, President Bush tabled amendments to the Clean Air Act to improve air quality in U.S. cities, reduce U.S. emissions of ozone-depleting substances (the ozone hole over the Antarctic had been discovered in 1984), and tackle acid rain, which had become a pressing issue. He also proposed "Cap and Trade." 

President Bill Clinton's  International Clean Energy Initiative, To help accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies....for a multi-agency initiative to encourage open competitive markets around the world....incentives for clean energy technology innovation and export....create high-value jobs 

President George W. Bush may not have restored Carter's panels to the White House roof, but he did install the first system to provide the grounds with some solar-generated electricity He installed two solar systems, one to heat the pool and spa water and one for other hot water.

President Barack Obama, who made environmental issues a focus of his presidency, planned to install solar panels on the White House by spring 2011, though the project wasn't begun until 2013 and completed in 2014. As of today, the White House solar panels installed under the Obama administration remain in place.

While President Trump kept them there, he used executive orders to roll back many progressive policies on climate change mitigation and renewable energy incentives including those developed by the Obama administration.

President Joe Biden: JANUARY 27, 2021, Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad

Search "does biodiesel have a future" for up to date reading.

other words and picture by roman blazic_all rights reserved


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Russia vs Ukraine

Ukraine vs Russia vs Belarus vs USA vs NATO etc., etc., etc,....

Люби свого ближнього, або хтось ще буде. Це перша думка для вас обох. Ми не можемо забути Білорусь. Вони такі ж сліпі, як запеклі прихильники Трампа, легко розпалити війну.  Сумна частина полягає в тому, що ніхто з вас не знає, коли вистачить, поки це не виплеснеться і не зіпсує життя всім причетним. Найгірше те, що обидві сторони кричать СТОП! Ви всі маєте спільну мету, і ви боретеся один з одним за неї. Подумайте на хвилинку. Це єдиний рівний майданчик, на якому всі стоять. Я зрозумів. Здається, Україна знову опинилася в середині боротьби за владу між могутніми державами. Звільнення не повинно виключати ваших громадян через їхнє походження чи мову. Заберіть у когось телевізор чи радіо, і у вас будуть проблеми. Повсякденні люди хочуть налаштуватися на зрозумілі їм розваги, а не на удари барабанів. Люди будуть шукати кращого шляху, навіть якщо це означає розірвати власну країну. Ніхто насправді не виграє до наступних поколінь.

Є кращий спосіб. Ваша спільна мета – СТОП!

відредагувати через чотири години: подивіться на це і скажіть мені, що я не правий

Возлюби ближнего, иначе возлюбит кто-нибудь другой. Это первая мысль для вас обоих. Мы не можем забыть Беларусь. Они так же слепы, как и стойкие сторонники Трампа, легко начать войну.
Печально то, что никто из вас не знает, когда хватит, пока это не выльется наружу и не разрушит жизнь всех участников. Хуже всего то, что обе стороны кричат ​​СТОП! У всех вас есть общая цель, и вы сражаетесь друг с другом за нее. Задумайтесь на минуту. Это единственная ровная площадка, на которой все стоят. Я понял. Украина, похоже, снова оказалась в центре борьбы за власть между могущественными державами. Освобождение не должно исключать ваших собственных граждан из-за их происхождения или языка. Отнимите у кого-нибудь телевизор или радио, и у вас будут проблемы. Обычные люди хотят настроиться на развлечение, которое они понимают, а не на барабанный бой. Люди будут искать лучший путь, даже если это будет означать разрыв их собственной страны. На самом деле никто не побеждает до более поздних поколений.

Существует лучший способ. Ваша общая цель – СТОП!

отредактировать четыре часа спустя: взгляните на это и скажите, что я ошибаюсь

Love your neighbor, or someone else will. This is the first thought for both of you. We cannot forget Belarus. They are as blind as Trump's staunch supporters, it's easy to start a war.

The sad part is that none of you know when enough is enough until it spills over and ruins life for all involved. The worst part is that both sides are yelling STOP! You all have a common goal and your fighting each other over it. Think about it for a minute. That's the only level ground everyone stands on. I get it. The Ukraine seems to be caught in the middle again in a power struggle between powerful nations. Breaking free shouldn't exclude your own citizens because of their birth or tongue. Take away anyone's TV or radio and you'll have trouble. Everyday people want to tune in for entertainment they understand and not the beating of drums. People will look for a better way even if it means tearing their own country apart. Nobody really wins until later generations. 

There is a better way. Your common ground is STOP!

edit four hours later: get a look of this and tell me I'm wrong

Respectfully, peace.

words by roman blazic for those who rather have a beer with each other than kill each other