Sunday, February 20, 2022

21st Century and The Pocket

 You might be glad I got no photo for this one

It starts by putting on my pants, the pocket count. I wear black or blue jean's because it doesn't matter if you fall asleep wearing them. Like most everyone, these pants got five pockets. That's easy to manage since they're either in front of you or you're sitting on them. They also give you a reminder if stuffed and/or ill fitted.
Shirts never give me a problem. Short or long sleeve, no pockets. (my dress shirts are older than some readers, get what I mean) So the pocket count holds steady at five but not for long.
I always wear a hooded sweat shirt during Fall/Winter....when it's protects my neck from pills too but adds on two more pockets and now I'm up to seven pockets.
Around the house I don't pocket much, a comb, a tissue, which means there's plenty of open space to stick something in one. You know, you pick up a small thing like a lighter, a pen, a note, something. It fits into the closest pocket in a casual motion. You know how it ends. There's seven pockets. It don't end. It gets worst if I go outside.
By now I'm on cruise control with seven pockets which allows me to focus on the over coat and check on things before going out. Come to think of it, things start when I put on my long john's. Guys will understand's the moment and here's yet another pocket, of sorts, to deal with, like being on a hunt or playing Zelda. It can take more than one try to find and pass through the second door.
My winter coat has four lower pockets, two upper pockets and one inner pocket for a total of seven additional pockets. The over all pocket count now has reached a staggering fourteen pockets. Oh the humiliation standing in the supermarket looking for my shopping list. 
The advancement of clothing design's pocket placement/inclusion should not be taken for granted. An imaginative, clever entrepreneur could produce YouTube videos or podcast on how to organize pockets, sizes awareness, best use of pocket(s), on and on and on. Isn't this how Mr. Pillow got his start? The closest he comes to a pocket is a pillow case.
Pockets give me a lot to think about and sometimes it is funny. I know you seen it and done it yourself, that is, trying to reach into your pant's pocket while sitting down. The way folks twist around, almost falling over, getting your hand caught, popping a shirt tail and oh lord, when a women reveals her Spanx or breaks a finger nail. Pushing the hand too quick or too hard into a pocket are leading causes for embarrassing moments.   
There is an art for doing this. Some people, especially women, do so in a stylized manner. It is fluid movement extending the leg out, leaning slightly back with a smile while slipping the hand into the pocket and keeping eye contact. It, however, is recommended that we stand up first before reaching into our pant's pocket.
There you have it. I have too many pockets and yet I won't give them up and I have to go shopping tomorrow....with Saint Anthony. 


concept & words by roman blazic_all rights reserved

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