Monday, April 11, 2022

She's Smarter Than Me

 This is why.

Oh wonderful. I'm wide awake with a pinched nerve from a dead sleep that I had to walk off. This sparked a memory of a movie title, "They Shoot Horses, Don't They." I'd would have gladly, at that moment, stuck a feed bag on my face and trotted onto a target range. 
As I walked from one end of my house to the other, back and forth, there are two mirrors I have to pass. Damn it! I'm miserable but these mirrors just won't let me. The look on my face would scare Putin to withdraw his troops as well as scare any adult and child. But noooo! My mind started picturing me with scuba gear submerged in a huge vat of Plexaderm to get that look off my face. Humor, again, lead to a better frame of mind. It got me to do a painful stretch that works at least eight out of ten times. It worked. 
There's another part. A mother of three, on facebook, posted how she had much to do but stopped and took a refreshing nap. (I hope it was) I commented that I did the same thing earlier in the day. I, however, got to sleep near 3:30 AM the night before and woke up a little more than three and a half hours later. 
The point is she had much more on her plate than I did. All I'm doing is organizational writing of various issues and negotiating with Councilman Squilla, Park & Rec's Project Director and staff and I have trusted and reliable help. This is for committed funding from a city budget that holds only a glimmer of hope of not hearing the word "no." blah, blah, blah!
She's dealing with "home."  Hey! I raised four kids and we parents all easily know the value of our home and children over a piece of paper that might make us look oh so wonderful. 
She's smarter than me. She stopped and gave herself a break. I didn't until I was forced to.
Sometimes we just need a good reminder than thinking we need to learn a new trick.
A fresh TastyKake Pie is also very helpful.

words and picture by roman blazic_all rights reserved

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