Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Windows of the Soul (1)

A treasure to behold

Holy Name of Jesus' stained glass windows are beautiful. The changing position of the sun, throughout the day, reveals their richness of color and gentleness. The church windows tell a story without the need for words. They profess the meaningfulness of life's joy and sorrow that is common in our own lives.  Faith, Hope and Charity is found in twenty-four windows of the Saints high up near the ceiling : St Albert the Great, St Rose of Lima, St Anthony, St. Mary Magdalene and both St Bridget and St Patrick among many more.
There are over fifty beautiful stained glass windows deserving of care.

These windows above the altar need to be structurally sound. They are in danger of being dislodged by nature's elements

One of the most beautiful windows needs expert restoration work

Through your intercession https://www.gofundme.com/f/holy-name-of-jesus-church-repairs

inspiration lauren borrasso

words & pictures by roman blazic_all rights reserved


  1. I spent hours looking at wonderful stainglass windows of the churches I went to. Really miss them. My favorite ones ended up in South Carolina!

  2. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words in pictures.... Yes I do remember the stained glass windows... How could I forget such magnificent beauty and holiness.
    You are so gifted with your writing and your photography. and we who are able to read it and see it are truly blessed
