Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas From Fishtown

Peace, Paz, Paix, Frieden, Rahu, Vrede, Fred, Mir, 和平, Béke, Perdamaian, Pace, Pokoju, शांति, Мир, ความสงบสุข, Barış, ,امن
Hòa bình, Miera, Миру, Keamanan,

I hope I got everyone. Most of all is that if you believe in God in some form or another don't underestimate the Spirit. God is well able to reveal himself in more than one way. So stop fussing and enjoy the pictures.
The Angel of the Sun
I'm ready,
As I walked through the neighborhood

And good will to all.
photo by roman blazic_all rights reserved












  1. Thanks for this, Roman! I love the photos, especially the one with the lady in reindeer antlers. All best of the season to you, too!
