It's not Spring but Fishtown's temperature was in the high 70's and low 80's. (26.7C) The sun was bright and warm. A perfect day to take my camera for a walk through the neighborhood.
I can hear Freddy Mercury singing.
Fishtown Animal Hospital
Marriam is one of my favorite girls from Penn Treaty Park
Man's best friend
The Sugar House Casino's homage to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."
She was a joy to talk with and just be with.
Spring cleaning
Rev. George Chandler
Inside looking out.
Artist Henry Bermudez
The water's fine.
Somewhere beyond the sea.
Man overboard!
Call the Street Department.
NicNacs4Peanuts say hello to Ray.
Palmer Park aka St Mary's Park
Enjoying the moment.
Lovely Maura at Fishtown Market
words and pictures by roman blazic_all rights reserved
Love the work! Great snapshot of the neighborhood