Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I saw the neurologist last Thursday

 He was very concerned 

I saw the neurologist last Thursday. He was very concerned about my 2003 to the present chronic but controlled (broken neck) headaches. He also found an important incorrect entry in my medical chart that helped prevent me from having my "god send" medication renewed since July. 
I, however, received a phone call from Temple at 9:50PM on Sunday. (Such an ID call makes you look at the clock.) I was told that an appointment was made for an ultrasound of my carotid arteries. This made me feel good to know that the doctor sees more than a straight line and quick to act. i.e. stroke. It was a real person on the other end of the line and not a "Press 1 if..." kind of call. You know I went.
The technicians found  plaque build up on the left side which was in the "you know it's not good but you got nothing to worry about" range. The right side was clear. The doctor will have the last word and the standard print out instructions sent by mail. I hope.
The best part of the day was inadvertently starting a funny and fun filled disturbance on the corner of  Allegheny and Broad. It was what I saw upon reaching the top of the subways steps. The vendor, an old guy, was selling prominently displayed rolls of toilet paper. We locked eyes and I boomed out "Sir, you're gonna be a rich man."  He, we all started laughing and the guy sitting across on the ledge words seconded the comedy as the guy sitting further down walked towards us with a bunch of "he could....." lines loud enough to be heard. The people passing by paused to hear what's going on with a bit of commentary befitting the moment. The elderly lady was heard telling her young companion, "this is silly stuff..hold on..hold on for a minuet." The 30ish women was on her cell loudly describing what's happening, the sight, the sound. It all might of been about a good two minutes even with the hello/goodbye nods, smiles, milling around laughter. 

So, in keeping with the moment, here's THE RUTLES. 

words by roman blazic_all rights reserved

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